March 2017

Tracey Duncan

About Tracey Duncan

Tracey Duncan is the headmistress of More Yoga, Less Bullshit. Tracey is a straight shooter with a limp wrist. She helps rebellious yogis find their own personal rhythm and connect to cosmic rhythms in unconventional ways.Tracey believes that folks who respect tradition but resist the status quo will be the innovators who can bring yogic and ayurvedic wisdom to the next level. If you are dubious about everything, but dig yoga and want to evolve into your superhero alter ego, Tracey wants to help. Tracey lives in New Orleans with her dazzling wife and six animal compatriots. She is a yoga teacher, a writer, a health coach, and a recovering party girl. She smokes, drinks, and wakes up before dawn to meditate. She is not a role model, and you can too.

  I need to confess that I have been defiantly avoiding writing about eating a plant-based diet. It isn’t because I don’t do it. It isn’t because I don’t think it’s important. It isn’t even because I don’t know what to say. It’s because, in my...