Yoga Health Coaching Certification

For wellness + Yoga pros for a better career, deeper impact, and a lucrative lifestyle.

Yoga Health Coaching Course Stories

Here’s what Yoga Health Coaching Members are saying about their experience.

Lisa Moore
Yoga Health Coach

Dana Schwandt

Elise Collins
Yoga Health Coach

What happens to wellness + yoga pros in YHC?

Laurie Young: Yoga Health Coach

Rachel Peters: Yoga Health Coach

Neve Fletcher: Yoga Health Coach

Kate Towell: Yoga Health Coach

“YHC and this community gave me the backbone, the education and the tools that I needed to make a huge leap forward. Now I have a program in place and a system to follow that allows me to create the impact I so desire and make the money I want.

And I should note, Cate’s Yoga Health Coaching Certification is a true master piece. It gives structure yet allows for tons of creativity, something that was super important for me as a healing arts genius. I needed to be able to bring in my own two cents. YHC allows for that freedom big time.”

Alexandra Epple,
US + Germany

“My income is increasing by 30% each year! I finally broke the six figure barrier, and the numbers are getting significant! I followed the steps outlined by Cate and it worked! 2 years later I’ve led 6 groups of students totaling more than 70 people through my 10 week course.
I’ve been blown away by the results of my students. I absolutely LOVE coaching the habits and the fact that my income has doubled in 2 years is just a sweet byproduct of living my calling. Cate, I am eternally grateful for you for sharing this work and changing my life.”

Dana Skoglund,
Kelowna Canada

“Before YHC I was living in misery running my restaurant of fifteen years with a nervous system that had been hijacked onto a daily battlefield.

This community has been the backbone for my current success as a Yoga Health Coach and a Mindfulness educator in public schools. Thanks Cate and YHC peeps. “

Sarah O’Neill,
Maine USA

“I earned a return on my tuition investment in YHC during my pilot. Over the years the YHC career model I’ve applied to developing other coaching programs.

YHC evolved my wellness career. I’m a mother of young boys and a entrepreneur, and Cate’s model and her care were pivotal in my growth.”

Dana Schwandt,

“During the process of YHC I had a baby, quit my day job, and sold my yoga studio.

I’m earning more money in my YHC profession each year, while being a work at home mom. I love the freedom and the financial independence.

I’ve been a YHC member for 5 years now, and with my small family am able to take 6 weeks off in Spain this summer, and I’ll earn more than I ever have. My life is easier and I love guiding my members to a better life and better experiences.”

Rachel Peters
Arizona, USA

“Before YHC I was always exhausted with no way to break out of this rut of being overworked and under self-nourished. The YHC program enabled me to bring Ayurveda into my yoga students lives in such an effective way. And through the YHC business model I doubled my income. I’ve been teaching yoga for 30 years.

Just as important, I was able to lose excess weight, and the habits of our YHC model stopped my hot-flashes, which I’d suffered from for over a decade, in a matter of months.

I love sharing this wisdom with my community.”

Jackie Prete
New York, USA
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Our Masterclass has everything you need to know about how Yoga Health Coaching works and how it could work for you.
