20 Dec Coach of The Month: Shinay Tredeau
Coach of the Month Shinay Tredeau guides us through her fascinating journey with the habits in the Yogahealth coaching path.
Cate Stillman and Shinay Tredeau, Coach of the Month discuss habit change evolution.
Habits are expressions of consciousness. Shinay describes how eating three meals a day is a habit embedded in the ancient roots of Ayurveda. Shinay loves to teach the habits of Body Thrive because they are habits established in the roots of a really ancient culture that had it’s “shit together.” The habits she teaches are a path to enlightenment and connection to the Universe. Listen to find out how the habits of Ayurveda can make a tremendous difference in your life and the lives of those you love.
Tune in and Learn the importance
- Automating a habit such as meal planning and prepping
- Set the intention (Sankalpa Mudra) for meal planning to create three meals a day
- Actualize what you want and create efficiency
- Inspire and get empowered in your habit quest
In this episode Cate raps with Shinay Tredeau about:
- The life-changing experience of adopting the Body Thrive habits even when you think you have a healthy lifestyle
- Advice on how to establish a habit. “Stakes are high!”
- Preventative Wellness Thrive
Show Highlights
- Stay clear on your intention 4.19’
- The contagiousness of a good habit (your good habits influence your family) 6.40’
- The guru energy rules all positive habit change 7.18’
- How the intelligence of the habit attracts others to follow suit and orbit around those with powerful habits 8.03’
- Shinay loves to, “Teach what I know and also to be constantly learning.” 9.40’
- Are your habits for or against enlightenment? 12.35’
Favorite Quotes from the Conversation
- Body knows when we do the right things
- Connectiveness to the universe
- The habits are established in the ancient roots of Ayurveda