28 Feb Teach What You are Learning with Sarah
Mentor By Teaching. How do you REALLY learn something? You teach it!
Here’s Sarah, a YHC Certification Coach sharing her tips on teaching what you are learning. She has gone from a stressed out restauranteur to a thriving Yoga Health Coach. Now she is a YHC Mentor. She says being a mentor gives you the opportunity to return to the start of the curriculum and master your YHC experience through teaching and supporting others in their learning process.
Here are Sarah’s 5 tips:
Master YHC – Mentor through Teaching
- Teach in your growing edge.
- Learn to ask good questions.
- Learn to listen.
- Table your assumptions.
- Don’t pretend to know it all-be honest.
Watch the Video.
Know that you can figure things out by asking the right questions.
Get on out there and TEACH!