Menopause and Relationships
Menopause and midlife can have a devastating impact on our intimate relationships. The way we choose to transition through this major phase in our lives and the level of comfort we feel in our bodies is in direct relationship to us creating either a hurricane or heaven.
How are you choosing to create your body?
Conversation on Menopause and Relationships
As women, we have a profound impact on our partners and the rest of our relationships. As deeply emotional beings we can spread joy or despair. We can make or break friendships, partnerships and work relationships with our attitude.
My intention in this video is to raise awareness by illustrating the impact you can have as a woman if you don’t feel absolutely happy in your skin. If menopause is dragging you down and your moods are going wild, your relationships are likely to have seen better times.
What’s the magic answer?
I am not giving you a solution in this video, I realize that. What I want to do instead is to challenge you to reflect and become present to the impact you are having on your relationships. Awareness is always the first step to change.
If you want to take up the challenge, here is what you need to do:
- Pull out a pen and paper. Yep, old fashioned style
- Make 5 sections: partner, children, friends, broader family, work.
- Write down the words ‘The impact I have on my relationship(s) is…’
- Set a timer for 5 minutes. Start writing. Don’t’ think about it too much, just put pen to paper and write. Let it flow.
After your timer is up, take a breath, get up and stretch for a moment. Breathe. Then come back to the paper and circle all the words that jump out at you. Then choose 3 which are the most poignant.
Comment in the section below.
I’d love to hear what’s up for you.