25 Apr Ama vs Constitution: An Ayurvedic Perspective
Having trouble determining your constitution and how to find balance in your system? You may be missing the key first step.
Join Cate and Grace as they talk about taking out the trash…
When Cate asks to see your tongue you know the game is up. “The tongue doesn’t lie.” We may think and appear to be doing all right on the outside but the tongue tells the real story.
We make assumptions to what our constitution is based on how we feel but really it’s the ama that’s talking. “The first step to finding balance is to take out the trash.”
Ama is the trash that builds up within us. It’s the undigested stuff. It could be emotional or physical – pay attention as you listen to where these different forms of ama manifest in the body.
Our doshic constitution is our innate nature. It describes how we are made up so we can better understand our natural tendencies to be able to use our gifts to their highest potential.
The Video Highlights…
Your tongue doesn’t lie
- Listen to what your tongue has to say on your constitution.
- Clean yourself and live with your dosha.
- Be open to life-notice your inner reality.
Get the ama out and restore balance
See your dosha behind your ama.
- Clear the ama out of your body, your mind and physiology.
- Follow a six month cleaning process and then see what’s left.
- Feel your vibration and embrace your constitution.
“Your constitution is your gift”
- Know who you really are in this lifetime.
- Enhance your knowledge on the doshas and the constitutions.
- Remove your ama, evolve and embrace your strength.
- Balance your emotions, thoughts and food.
Then come the kids…
Add on another layer of trying to figure out your kids and their imbalances. A big aha moment for parents. “Rarely does a child have ama that the parents don’t have” Ouch that one hurts! Work on your junk before tackling anyone else!
Help your children thrive
- Realize the power of good eating and sleeping habits.
- Work on your own constitution as a parent and remove your ama.
- Make the difference and impact your relationships.
- Work on your child’s ancestral ama.
Evolving and entering flow is a process but it starts with clearing away the ama.
Comment below on what aha’s you reached during this conversation. What trash do you need to work on?