Author: Batool Merali

Batool Merali

About Batool Merali

Batool Merali - Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Certified Yoga Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, Author. She guides people to thrive in body, mind, and spirit; releasing the anxiety that is holding them back in reaching their highest potential and to experience the magic of life. Her Nourish Myself programs are all about taking better care of ‘Yourself’. The problem is; we run around taking care of everyone else which leaves us exhausted and depleted with no time for ourselves. Nourish Myself programs are designed to help you step by step turn this paradigm around. She works with clients all over the country via online counseling breaking through their health struggles to live their best life possible. Visit her website. Author of The Divinity Within Journal, to receive you free workbook. Check out her facebook page and instagram.