Peri Menopause Without Symptoms, Could it be Possible
Menopause is the natural cessation of menstruation. It is the end of the procreating years for a woman. On average, natural menopause is common at age 51, but may happen as early as 35 or as late as 60. Perimenopause precedes menopause and can span 1-10 years. Most women feel the most menopausal symptoms during perimenopause so it’s a dreaded time for many women. Hot flashes, weight gain, sleepless nights, inexplicable mood swings, inflammation, changes in libido are so common they almost seem unavoidable. But does every women experience the same symptoms and is there a way to be ‘symptom free?’
In Ayurveda, there are three types of perimenopause and each type has a different set of symptoms, tendencies and imbalances. But before we dive deep into the individual types, we have to recognize that menopause is a shift from the PItta to the Vata phase of life.
Pitta has a sustaining energy combined with intensity and focus. Vata, being ruled by air and either can bring things in the body and mind into disarray. Excess Vata can disturb, distress and change things; moving things is its nature. If there is anything stored in the back corners of your body such as undigested food, physical toxins, undigested emotions, emotional toxins, undigested experiences or unfulfilled desires – these undigested things will increase the air element or Vata in your body. Anything undigested in your life will cry out for your attention…relentlessly. However, if you have lived a clean, conscious life and your mental and emotional cupboards are pristine, you will have little to fear from menopause. In this case, a menopause without symptoms is possible. Get inspired by Lisa Scouba’s uneventful menopause. Lisa had the perfect setup for a dreadful menopause yet she managed through her wisdom, practices and diet & lifestyle changes early on to prep herself in a way that averted almost all symptoms.
Entering the Vata Stage of Life
For all women, there will be this Vata component of change during menopause that we need to pay attention and embrace – remember menopause marks the shift from Pitta to the Vata phase of life. Yet most of us have tendencies and certain place we tend to go out of balance more. This is directed by our constitution at birth and our eating and lifestyle patterns. Typically, whatever our constitution at birth that is where we are most likely to go out of balance. This is where the three types of menopause come in.
If you know anything about Ayurveda, you might guess what the three types are. There is a Vata type, a Pitta type and a Kapha type. If you don’t know Ayurveda there might be a big Hahhhh on your forehead now. Let’s check it out.
Vata Menopause
Vata is the energy of air and either. Women with a Vata type constitution have smaller features, small eyes, nose, slight or irregular built, little muscle mass, rectangular body shape to name a few. Think of your skinny girlfriend who can eat whatever she wants and never gain weight. Vata women have little fat on their bodies and tend towards dryness, irregular or scanty periods, PMS cramps, thin hair and more testy immune systems. At menopause and beyond Vata types have to pay attention the most. With their more delicate constitution and with the Vata energy of age coming in their bodies may show up with most symptoms. The Vata energy of age combined with constitutional vata plus potentially an imbalance in Vata is just a bit too much Vata for anyone to deal with.
Symptoms of Vata nature center around dryness and coldness. This may show up with hot flashes followed by feeling cold, weakening of bones, scanty, irregular or missed periods, vaginal dryness, painful sex, losing weight (yep there is such a thing!!!), insomnia, anxiety, heart palpitations, urinary incontinence, constipation and osteoporosis. Puh, that was some list. On an emotional level Vata’s deal with anxiety and overwhelm the most.
Weight gain may also happen for this type which in the Vata’s case is a protective mechanism by the body. Too much depletion puts the body in alert mode. Extra weight is the body’s way to ground you.
Pitta Menopause
The second type is Pitta. Pitta is the energy of fire and a little water. Often Pitta type ladies live an intense life (it’s the fire) that they burn up the little water they have available as part of their constitution. They love with intensity, obsession and perfection. Pitta bodies are medium in build, rather athletic, have meditum features and well developed muscles. Ms. Pitta tends to overdo things, but might not even notice that she does. She has so much energy, she thinks she can keep going but ultimately burns herself out.
At menopause the airy Vata energy fans the fire of Pitta making things blazingly hot. Pittas are the ladies who have the most severe hot flashes, bringing all the stored heat out from the back of the closet. Inflammation is one of the biggest issues with this type. Think vaginitis, cystitis, diarrhea and burning indigestion. Also anger, frustration and intense bleeding may show up.
Kapha Menopause
The third and last type of menopause is the Kapha type. Kapha is the energy of earth and water. Kapha ladies are the least fazed by menopause, as the air of Vata has a hard time moving the heavy earth and water elements. Kapha women have the most resilience and strength as they get older. If a woman has has been living her life in a Kapha aggravating way she will struggle with excess weight, lethargy and sadness or other heavy emotions during menopause.
After talking about all these unpleasant possibilities of menopause, things may look gloomy and the initial question of whether menopause without symptoms is possible may seem out of reach. But, not all hope is lost. In fact, far from it. We certainly have tons of power to create an easeful menopause. In fact, by knowing our Ayurvedic constitution and our personal tendencies, we have the power to counteract them with the formula “like increases like and opposites balance each other.” I want to make sure you understand you constitution and how you can balance each one to decrease the symptoms of menopause:
Vata is dry, light and cold. If those qualities are present, you need to bring in the opposite qualities of moist, heavy and warm. During menopause, Vata’s need to put attention on nourishing themselves.
Pitta is hot, light and dry. If you notice menopausal symptoms mentioned above under Pitta, you need to bring in the opposite qualities of cool, heavy and moist. For Pitta menopause, focus on chilling out and cooling your agitated mind.
Kapha is heavy, moist and cool. If you notice Kapha related symptoms in your body you need to bring in light, dry and warm. Kapha’s biggest mantra during menopause should be: Get moving.
Three Tips for All Women During Menopause
All three types (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) enter the Vata stage of life during menopause. For this reason, there a couple of tips all three doshas should follow:
1. Strengthen and stabilize agni (digestive fire). When Vata arrives our agni tends to greatly diminish. Digestion becomes variable and unstable with age. Have you ever noticed that your metabolism isn’t quite as strong? A simple digestive formula can help:
– For Vata: Mix 1 part each fennel, cumin, coriander, ajwan powder.
– For Pitta: Mix 1 part each fennel, cumin and coriander powder.
– For Kapha: Mix 1 part each fennel, cumin, coriander, dry ginger and black pepper powder.
Take ½ tsp of these blends in 2-4 oz lukewarm water with your meal. This will ensure a strong digestive fire.
2. Clean house. By house, I mean your body. Get rid of gunk. Getting rid of toxins both physically, mentally and emotionally will set you up well for the 2nd half of life. If you have never done a detox or cleanse, now is the time. For a simple start, do this: leave a space of at least 4 hours between meals and at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. No snacking! Bam. You are helping your body to burn toxins and it strengthens your agni too. Drink only hot water (yes, drink it as hot as possible). If you want to go all out leave 16 hours between breakfast and dinner. This is called intermittent fasting. A sure fire way to burn up gunk you no longer need.
3. Strengthen the mind. Vata energy is closely linked to the nervous system and the mind. Both go hand in hand. If the mind is out of the balance, the nervous system follows very quickly. Having a daily meditation practice is of utmost importance as you enter menopause. Start with two min a day. Be consistent. Work yourself up to five minutes. Then meditate for 10 minutes a day. Consistency is more important than length. The easiest way to to start is to sit down, get quiet and observe your breath. That’s it.
Now, coming back to the original question, “is a menopause without symptoms possible?” Absolutely.
Why? Because you have control. Absolutely possible.
How? With your lifestyle and diet choices. Start with the three things above. If that’s not enough listen to my free webinar on “The 5 Secrets to a better menopause” for more insights.