Snot-Free Kids
Preventing Snot
Kids (and adults) often get snotty as soon as the weather turns cold.
And, snot is totally avoidable.
Families on the SAD diet (Standard Amercian Diet) don’t connect their daily choices with the body’s responses. Snot is simply a by-product of poorly digested food. Feed your kid cold cereal and milk when the leaves outside get crispy… and you’re sure to end up with SNOT! Layer on kit-kats, snickers and 3 musketeers and you get a kid with a cold between now and Turkey Day.
What is the problem with snot?
Here is the scoop: snot is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. It’s also a sign that the stomach lining is full of wet, soggy, mucus. Gross. Mucusy stomach lining means that the next time you eat, you’ll generate more mucus. You’ll absorb less nutrients. You need a strong digestive fire to turn food into vibrant tissue. Having mucus is a sign that your agni is less than adequate. Here are some more signs of poor digestive fire:
- snot
- fatigue
- malaise
- a white, coated tongue
- stinky breath
Here is what poor digestive fire leads to:
- colds, viruses, flues
- headaches
- sinus infections
- poor immune function
- asthma and allergies
Snot-Free Kids
Snot-free kids are simple to design. Here is what to do:
- Eat warm, spiced foods on cold days. Like oatmeal with cinnamon.
- Drink only water between meals.
- Take “boo candy” at the first signs of snot, bad breath or a coated tongue.
- No more ice-cream or cold dairy (including yogurt and granola) after Columbus Day.
Cate’s Recipe for Boo Candy
Get out a cutting board and a wide knife.
- Add 1/2 cup raw honey to the cutting board.
- Add 1/3 c. turmeric powder (you can dry roast it first in a skillet for added benefit).
- Add 1/2 tsp. ginger powder
- Add 1/4 tsp. black pepper
- Cut the spices into the honey with the knife until you have a smooth texture. Add more spices for desired taste.
- Store in a small tin or small glass jar.
- Put on the kitchen table in reach for all ages. Little ones like to roll it into pea-sized balls.
For Cate’s Healthier Kids Workshop: Click Here