Authenticity Issues with Health Coaches… Are You Walking the Walk?… And What that has to do with your Sales
Podcast Intro:
Yoga Health Coach, Faye Blake, has been struggling with the lifelong habit of perfectionism and has shame around lack of integrity. While aiming to find deep health through living the habits perfectly, she also wants to be more playful and spontaneous, which makes her feel inauthentic as a coach.
In this two-year overdue conversation between Cate and Faye, we discover how Faye’s mantra “Little Faye wants to play.” can be honored, while also discovering the purpose and creativity in what Big Faye wants to do. Listen in to learn how to turn integrity gaps in the sales and marketing process into an authentic creative venture!
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How to turn your challenges into an authenticity in your coaching.
- How to walk the edge of vulnerability to leverage your skills.
- How to market for continual lead flow.
- How to keep moving people through the marketing funnel.
- How to play to your advantage.
- Faye’s Instagram: @live.intuitively
- Get out of Gap thinking – The Gap and the Gain
- Recommended reading for attachment issues: Adam Lane Smith
- Cate met Faye in Berlin 2 years ago and offered this conversation. It’s finally happening!
- 1:15: Challenges with coaching authentically through sales and service.
- 3:09: Setting grounded goals, while allowing spontaneity.
- 5:42: Perfectionism affects sales and marketing.
- 10:56: Revisiting lessons in the sales process.
- 11:45: Undermining attachment issues for perfectionism to dissolve..
- 14:00: Getting out of the pathological cycle of gap thinking.
- 15:30: Developing a marketing funnel to get new leads.
- 17:10: Leveraging unique skills for the Customer Journey
- 23:30: YHC Master stages- Creating an Empathy Map.
- 27:09: Turning perfectionism into an authentic creative process.
- Part of being an entrepreneur is that you get to set your own income targets and go after them.
- Gain thinking will break the pattern of perfectionism.
- When you aim for a solid B-, when you have enough of the habits enough of the time, it allows enormous grounded flexibility.
- You help people from the inside to the outside, but you also understand the language of the outside to the inside and that’s your market advantage.
- What am I designing at which stage? How am I measuring how many people are in that stage?
Guest BIO: Faye Blake — the website will be up and working by Feb2022
I’ve been a hairdresser for the last 19 years, which basically means I’ve been a therapist for 19 years! As a hairdresser people open up to you, you get an insight into their lives and all their ups & downs.
It all got a bit much 1 1 year when I went through my own breakdown as depression & addiction took hold of me. Which led me to spend quite a few years studying all the things!
Naturopathic Nutrition, Bodywork, Yoga & Ayurveda, not having a clue where I was heading with it all, but following my own curiosity and need to know!
Then ultimately understood that it was leading to what I know now is- learning how to have a deep trust in my inner self and my body, finding safety & home within.
Thanks to training as a YHC, I now run a course called “Live Intuitively’ pulling all of my teachings together which guides people to deeply connect with their inner selves, their inner healer, and peel back the sometimes heavy layers of thinking & living that we accumulate over the years.
In essence, I empower people to awaken the wisdom within themselves to be able to take their own health & happiness into their own hands, choosing how they want to feel and building the vibrant lives they want to live.

Cate Stillman
View All Articles »Cate Stillman founded in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.
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