Identity Evolution in Yoga Health Coaching with Patrick and Emily
Podcast Intro:
Yoga Health Coaches, Patrick Heffernan, and Emily Cole were on many different journeys two years ago when life events and the state of the world catapulted them into a new direction. While Patrick has an acting and yoga background and Emily leads wilderness adventures to at-risk youth, both are now on a similar journey as Yoga Health Coaches, leading others into transformation and being “Digital Nomads” (Emily’s term)!
Listen in on this entertaining and enlightening conversation about finding and crossing new thresholds, overcoming mainstream culture, feeling into identity evolution, and so much more!
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How to step confidently over new life thresholds.
- How to optimize habits through a big change.
- Why work through cultural beliefs in our communities.
- When to find flexibility with the habits.
- How to guide others out of a fixed mindset.
- Join our Wisdom+Wealth Facebook Group
- Gap vs Gain by Dan Sallivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy
- Emily Cole Socials + Website:
- Emily Cole IG: @wild.within.coaching
- Emily Cole website: Wild Within Coaching
- Patrick Heffernan Socials + Website:
- IG: @heff_patrick
- Twitter: @pat_Heffnyc
- Website:
- Jordan Peterson
- Emily shares her story of honoring her identity evolution at a recent Mexican Fiesta.
- Patrick talks about his experience with the Wild Habits challenge and the Fast mimicking diet.
- Patrick tells us about helpful practices for liminal thinking from Jordan Peterson.
- [3:40]- Understanding our own story as an important self-study.
- [8:40]- Willingness and awareness around thresholds.
- [11:42]- Kaizen approach to habits in new locations.
- [13:35]- Overcoming cultural beliefs around new habits.
- [14:10]- Honoring our desires when culture doesn’t.
- [16:00]- YHC Community support.
- [19:01]- Building body wisdom through habits.
- [21:23]- Consciousness and flexibility in habits.
- [24:02]- The Identity evolution of being in choice and releasing judgment.
- [29:09]- Shining the light of consciousness onto the trigger.
- [30:43]- Spirituality in the business journey.
- [35:00]- Collaboration in looking within vs. outsourcing wisdom.
- [38:40]- Guiding others out of a fixed mindset.
- [40:15]- The push/pull dynamic of identity evolution
- “I just need to be present right here, because I don’t know where else to be.” -Emily
- “Every time I change locations, I get a chance to reset my habits.” -Emily
- It’s one thing to make the decision just to go against culture, but then you are going to get little kind of continuous pushback or reminders or friction or resistance in all these different forms and it’s going to show up in our relationships. Our relationships, I think, are a real big part of identity evolution. It shows how much I am evolving based on how much the people around me are reacting to what I’m doing.” -Patrick
- “Now there is this pull of I know, my body knows and I know in all layers of myself, how good it feels to feel good and I know that that can keep getting better.” -Emily
- “When we can shine light of consciousness onto the trigger, that’s as much of a win as changing the habit of letting the thing go.” -Patrick
Guest Bio: Patrick Heffernan & Emily Cole

Patrick Heffernan is a wellness professional based two hours north of NYC in the Hudson Valley. He leads the dynamic community, Journey to You, where he coaches his members on how they can live a life more aligned to the rhythm of nature and tap into their best health and best selves. He also founded the online yoga community, Journey to the Peak, where he leads monthly online yoga immersions themed towards a peak pose and/or yoga philosophy.

As the founder of Wild Within Coaching, Emily believes in, supports, and models going deep within ourselves for a wild journey. With a decade of wilderness guiding experience, she knows intimately the transformative power of adventure and how good it feels to be centered in oneself. Through coaching, she has seen the same process of people coming into their own guidance, wisdom, and power and loves supporting and guiding these exciting journeys too.

Cate Stillman
View All Articles »Cate Stillman founded in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.
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