From Actress to Yoga Health Coach: Paula’s Transformative Story
Yoga Health Coach Paula Pister-Eliott began acting as a teenager in Vancouver, BC. When her heart spoke, she listened and moved to New York city to further pursue her career in acting. While living in New York in her twenties, Paula found yoga and met her husband. After 9/11 she and her husband moved to LA where she continued to teach yoga, and act. Along the way she became a mom. The sudden and unexpected death of her father brought everything to a screeching halt. Now coping with the loss of her father who had been an inspiring and motivating force in her life, Paula went looking for something. The loss ultimately led her to profound personal transformation and a discovery of “solid ground” in hot habits of Body Thrive and Yoga Health Coaching. Now Paula mentors other coaches and embraces daily habits that enable her to live a fuller, more connected life. Paula uses what she’s learned to structure family time and her schedule as well.
Her story inspires professional healers to follow their heart’s calling. Paula did this over and over throughout her life. She now coaches actors, musicians and artists in the habits of Body Thrive. In her words, “Artists are the most courageous people. You have to lay your heart out on the line.”
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How daily habits keep you grounded?
- Why do artists, musicians and actors greatly need the habits of Body Thrive?
- How daily habits can help your teenager?
Show Highlights:
- 02:26 – Paula talks about how her life was chaotic when her father died while she was raising two kids and working and how that led to more transformation in her life including Yoga Health Coaching.
- 05:39 – Paula discusses how reluctant she was to give up acting as it was part of her identity and she was torn between that and yoga and her dharma.
- 08:35 – Paula talks about how the 10 daily habits have helped her find a “through line” to keep coming back to and help her stay grounded.
- 09:42 – Cate and Paula discuss how the daily habits can help teens and young adults with scheduling.
- 12:22 – Paula discusses how she brings what she’s learned in Yoga Health Coaching that could help actors, musicians and other creative people.
- 15:26 – Cate discusses how the 10 habits help build body integrity and self acceptance.
- 18:15 – Paula discusses her experience mentoring and stepping into a leadership role through Yoga Health Coaching
Favorite Quotes:
- “The only real difference between between the people whose lives seem so simple and easy on the outside is the choices that they made about the attitude [with which] to approach life” – A letter to Paula from her father
- “The habits themselves are so intrinsically integrity building” – Cate
- “Without the habits we cannot expect to have cellular acceptance” – Cate
- “We’re able to surrender so much more when we have the habits to whatever’s going on in life” – Cate
- “Beating yourself up is a waste of time” – Paula
- “Artists are the most courageous people. You have to lay your heart out on the line.” Paula Pister-Eliot
Paula’s been teaching yoga for nearly 16 years, is a mom of 2 amazing smallish people, an actress, retired costume stylist and “occasional” jewelry designer. Soon to be certified “Yoga Health Coach”, and student of Ayurveda, Paula is loving the direction her life is taking in her 40’s -circling her back to her roots.
Paula spent 20 years as a wardrobe stylist helping people to look better on the outside, now she gets to help them feel better on the inside, create healthier habits and live a life more aligned- way more fun!
She loves horses, the outdoors, feeding her family healthfully and delving deeper into the Ayurvedic lifestyle and learning more & more.
Still trying to find her way back to her hometown of Vancouver, Canada- Paula’s enjoying the lifestyle, yoga community and sunshine in Los Angeles.
Connect with Paula on Facebook, Instagram, watch out for her Website COMING SOON- Please feel free to keep the conversation going through Email.

Cate Stillman
View All Articles »Cate Stillman founded in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.
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