From Trauma to Resilience to Creativity
Listen in as Yoga Health Coach Shoshana Koch shares how her impulse to find meaning in her adverse childhood experiences led her to Yoga Health Coaching.
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How to navigate the grief of releasing your born clan.
- Why it is important to hold gratitude for heartbreaking moments in life.
- How to stay connected and prioritize your love once you have a child.
- How to stay open, willing, and curious on the path of identity evolution.
Links Mentioned in Episode:
- Shoshana’s Website
- Yoga Health Coaching Website
- Start Living a Bigger, Better and More Aligned Life
- Unearth Your Dream & Live It with “Awake Living” Course
Show Highlights:
- Cate and Shoshana discuss working with clients and course members who have a history of addiction and trauma
- 0:00-17:37 – Shoshana talks about her adverse childhood experiences.
- 17:38-28:39 – Cate and Shoshana talk about creative writing and how we can pull our own interests into the framework of Yoga Health Coaching.
- 28:40-34:16 – Shoshana talks about her experience going through Body Thrive.
- 34:17-53:45 – Cate and Shoshana discuss dealing with clients or course members who have a history of addiction.
- 53:46-55:38 – Closing thoughts.
Favorite Quotes:
- “I’m trying to avert a loss legacy. I don’t want this to go to waste. I don’t believe yeah, I just don’t believe that shit happens and that’s that, like we can make something of it and there’s deep meaning and connection and potential in our stories. And they help people.” — Shoshana Koch
- “Who we are is unbridled. . . . We are consciousness and the universe that we live in is clothed in the five elements. And we can make what we want with them.” — Cate Stillman
- “The reason I called my group “Be Rhythm” is – A – I love dancing and music. And B – it’s all about attuning to the biorhythms and like the rhythms of the cosmos. And that that is within us and when we get in sync we thrive. We live our best life.” — Shoshana Koch
Guest BIO:
I believe healing is a process of unraveling, excavating, and reclaiming our innate nature which is one of love. Through this alchemy, we experience union within ourselves and the world-a fuller integration of being. No matter your background, or the suffering you’ve endured, you are already “pre-approved” in the words of the great writer Anne Lamott. I guide others to recognize their truth and build what is their birthright to embody. We all deserve to feel whole, worthy, and vibrantly alive.
Being a bonafide “shame whisperer,” is one of my greatest assets. In helping people name their deepest fear and longing, as well as supporting them in the work of transmuting it, I live my Dharma or higher purpose. I am deeply grateful for the courage and grit people demonstrate in pursuing this work and for their willingness in allowing me to be part of their reclamation!
Serving as a therapist and addictions counselor for over a decade, my life’s work is helping people unscrew themselves and create meaningful change. I offer individual and group coaching services through a synthesis of Holistic Psychology, Ayurveda, Healing Arts, and the most current science in sustainable habit formation. In Be Rhythm™: Heal your Body, Ignite your Power (my online/IRL program) we create a container of stability, clarity, and simplicity as a pack of like-minded individuals seeking to elevate all the parts of ourselves. Each of us is worthy and capable of robust health, self-expression, and mental ease-now let’s make it happen!

Cate Stillman
View All Articles »Cate Stillman founded in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.
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