Walking Camino Transformational Steps with Yoga Health Coach Alexandra Epple
Listen in as Cate talks with Yoga Health Coach Alexandra Epple about her four-and-a-half month, 2,800 kilometer transformational journey through identity dissolution.
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How one Yoga Health Coach proved that life really is about the journey, not the destination.
- How the dissolution of identity transforms lives.
- How walking restores rhythm in a way that nothing else can.
Links Mentioned in Episode:
- Yoga Health Coaching Website
- Unearth Your Dream & Live It with “Awake Living” Course
- Cate’s new book “Master of You”
- 0:25-4:21 – Alexandra talks about how she ended up walking back to Germany and how it relates to building a business.
- 4:22-9:57 – Cate and Alexandra share insights about walking.
- 10:32-15:24 – Cate asks Alexandra about bringing her body and mind into alignment with walking.
- 15:25-21:08 – Cate and Alexandra talk about the dissolution of identity and how it relates to Yogahealer courses and entrepreneurship.
- 21:09-31:51 – Alexandra talks about the logistics of her walk.
- 31:52-34:00 – The upside of social media.
Favorite Quotes:
- “If you’re looking for really fast transformation, and powerful transformation, go on a yoga retreat. And if you want something gentle, go on a walking retreat.” — Alexandra Epple
- “Walking restores rhythm in a way that nothing else can.” — Cate Stillman
- “It’s the most basic patterning for the brain . . . the cross-limb. . . It has everything to do with ‘we are bilateral’ and this cross swing restores functionality in the mind. It gives us that experience of wholeness.” — Cate Stillman
- “My life is just amazing right now. So this was really the perfect setup to let any identity that needed to fall away fall away because I didn’t have to go through all of that unraveling of trauma or things that didn’t work in my life. I could immediately go to this thing of like, ‘Okay, what else needs to fall away? What else needs to fall away? What else is not me and it’s just a should?’” — Alexandra Epple
- “A lot got stripped away in a very subtle way.” — Alexandra Epple
- “Life is really simple. And we just make it so difficult sometimes. But all it is is one step in front of the other.” — Alexandra Epple
Guest BIO:
Alexandra Epple is an Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher, and yoga health coach. But more important than all those labels, is her drive to constantly recreate herself. Last year, after having lived in the US for 20 years, she decided to move back to her home country Germany. A decision driven by inner knowing rather than any analytical reason. As a transition between the two countries she decided to walk the one month, 900 km pilgrimage path Camino Frances in Spain. And then, she kept walking….. In the end, she ended up walking 4.5 months and 2,800 km until she knocked on her parent’s door in Germany. Now it is time to recreate her life from scratch, a task that is exciting and expansive yet daunting at the same time.

Cate Stillman
View All Articles »Cate Stillman founded Yogahealer.com in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.
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