Yoga Health Coaching


Name any trendy diet, and there’s a good chance Grace Edison has tried it — without lasting effects — over the years. Even with all that practice, she was stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of losing and gaining the same 50 pounds over and over again. Eating was a form of self-harm and emotional solace through difficult periods in her life, but on her personal evolution path, she broke free of old patterns that...

Tune in and learn how to: Encourage students and people around you to step into the fire to enjoy the transformation they have been dreaming of. “Birth” your own program — it’s your “child,” and it’s an intense process. Nurture your career, much like you’re its mother. Find out if your clients are ready to commit — and get them to do it — by digging into their “pain islands” and “pleasure islands”   In this...

Are you a Yoga Health Coach who struggles with time management? Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to engage in your own self-care and wellness habits, attend to your health-coaching business, and take care of your family or community? You’re not alone. As Yoga Health Coaches, we juggle a lot of balls. Many of us admit to feeling like we lack integrity with time. In this episode, Annie Barrett speaks to...