Yoga Health Coaching


Grace is one of our amazing Yoga Health Coaches who has overcome so much to be where she is today, and as a Yoga Health Coach, she makes Dream Calls for the Awake Living course. In this episode, Grace and Cate discuss selling the Awake Living course to potential clients, and uncover secrets that will help other Yoga Health Coaches do the same for any Yogahealer course. Grace describes the three levels of readiness an individual...

A majority of Western society is overweight. As a practitioner and/or student of ayurveda, it is difficult to assess whether excess weight is a vata or kapha issue. Cate shares her advice on how to tell the difference between vata weight and kapha weight as well as how vatas can work to bring balance (and weight loss) into their lives. Self massage, sipping warm water, even chewing gum are some of the habits Cate explains...

In today's Yoga Health Coaching episode, Annie Barrett and I sit down to talk about what happens as you develop as a Yoga Health Coach. It starts with the initial phase of getting through your pilot program and certification. Then business evolution happens as you set up systems to leverage the certification as a new income stream and business model in your career. And finally, there is what is actually possible once you follow through...

Those of us on the health and wellness path have experienced profound benefits in our personal and professional lives when we approach our health holistically. Naturally, we want to share these benefits with others. Whether you work in a large corporation, a small business, or as an independent contractor, if you want to see a reduction in the pervasively high levels of stress in the workplace, then this episode is for you. Brooke Bailey, a former...

Coach of the Month Lynn Taylor gives tips on … using your journey to help others find their Thrive. Tune in and learn how to Use your own story of finding Thrive to help others make the shift in their lives Help your clients fall into their own rhythm by adopting the lifestyle habits Leverage financial sacrifice to help people really commit to upleveling their habits through your course Reflect back what people tell you in...

Do you struggle to get enough deep, nourishing sleep? You’re so not alone. We make our days longer by making their nights shorter so we can get more done. Or maybe we try to get to bed, but feel betrayed when our bodies don’t cooperate. Yoga Health Coach Brodie Welch talks with fellow formerly sleep-deprived coaches Carly Banks and Kari Zabel about how they were able to radically transform their relationship with sleep. You’ll hear how...