The Super Simple Membership Model for your Pro Healer Career
In this Changemaker Challenge conversation, Cate and Grace rap about utilizing a membership model to simplify and upgrade your wellness career. Too often, we believe that we need to have a huge social media marketing campaign in order to attract and secure our wellness clients. The fact is, as a pro healer, your potential clients or course members probably already know you, and since those people are already on social media, marketing your services or offering simply becomes a process of building and nurturing a tribe. Tribe members are simply potential clients or course members. Marketing then becomes a process of assimilation, acculturation, onboarding, and training. The membership model gets your course members better results faster because, by the time the course begins, the members understand the language, trajectory, and level of commitment that is required. They hit the ground running. As a wellness pro, the membership model benefits you by allowing you to get really clear on how many people per year you can guide through a deep, transformative experience, what results you can deliver, and how much you need to charge in order to guarantee those results. With the membership model, leaders start to emerge from groups. Allowing those leaders to step forward and lead allows you more freedom to step back, see the big picture, and figure out where to go next.
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How the membership model changes your marketing efforts.
- How the membership model benefits the people you work with.
- How the membership model makes your job easier.
Links Mentioned in Episode:
Show Highlights:
- 3:00 – As a pro healer, you need to know how many people per year you can guide through a deep, transformative experience, and you need to know how much you need to charge in order to guarantee those results. If you don’t know how big a tribe you’ll be able to build through social media, you could end up wasting a lot of time.
- 4:45 – You need to know what results you can get for people. As a professional, you take on the ownership of those results; you take on the ownership of how you support those members, and you take on the ownership of the structure or community in which you deliver those results.
- 6:30 – Sometimes we inadvertently lead people astray. Sometimes that’s a result of the way we were trained. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, when Cate started working with people in groups as opposed to one on one (the delivery model in which she was trained), she realized that the members of her groups, who were paying a lot less than her private clients, we’re getting better results faster. With a group model, a “membership model,” you have a tribe. Working within the membership model, you start to understand how many people you can bring to results each year. Once you know how many people you can or want to work with each year and how much money you want to make each year, you can determine what you need to charge for membership in your group.
- 10:20 – When you know the results your getting for your members, and you know how many people you want to work with, your marketing efforts can become more focused. With the membership model, marketing is simply the process of getting people ready to be course members. Marketing then becomes a process of onboarding and training so that by the time they actually start the course, they are assimilated and acculturated and able to get better results faster.
- 14:55 – If you’re a pro healer, people already know you and how you bring value. Those people are already on social media, so why not use that platform to get those people ready to be good course members or good clients? Marketing then becomes onboarding.
- 18:15 – With the membership model, leaders start to emerge from groups. Allowing those leaders to step forward and lead allows you more freedom to step back, see the big picture, and figure out where to go next. At that point, the teacher/students model is replaced by a leaders/members model, eliminating hierarchy.
- 21:15 – Developing tribe members allows for a quick, seamless transition to course member because they understand the language, trajectory, and level of commitment that is required.
- 23:20 – In Yoga Health Coaching we learn how to stop working with people in a million different ways and create one offering that can benefit all members. We learn how to package and sell that offer; we learn how to teach people to invest in themselves, and we learn how to take responsibility for guiding people to end results.
Favorite Quotes:
- “If you’re a pro healer, if you’re a professional in the wellness field, act like one. That means get your people to results. Own those results.” — Cate Stillman
- “When you have a membership model, now you have a tribe. You have a small group of people that is super potent.” — Cate Stillman
- “If you see marketing as onboarding, as getting people more and more and more ready, you’re actually already training them.” — Cate Stillman
- “As you develop a membership community, you become the leader. And then you want to own that you’re leading people on a journey.” — Cate Stillman
- “If this is the model that happens to work for pro healers, then that’s what I’m going to teach. If this model didn’t work, I would be teaching you the one that did. — Cate Stillman

Cate Stillman
View All Articles »Cate Stillman founded in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.
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