
I’ve made you a Spring Day Cheatsheet. Print it, and put it on your fridge. You are welcome to forward it around on Facebook or link in your next newsletter if you have yoga students to share it with. Ayurveda Guidelines for Spring – Print + Share Detox the Junk in your Trunk Unglue your gut. Unflannel your channels. After the long winter every cell in your body is begging for you to press the reset button. Spring is the...

Happy Earth Day to all Earthlings.   I first started celebrating Earth Day as a teen – organizing a school-wide event with the predecessor of Whole Foods- a natural grocery store in Massachusetts named Bread & Circus. They worked with SCAT, an eco-awareness group I co-started with my best friend, Jessie Meaney. Jessie’s mom came up with the acronym SCAT for Students Concerned About Tomorrow. Together, Bread & Circus and SCAT created an amazing 1 day holiday in our school with workshops all day long...

The “Cheatsheets” are a series of super helpful pointers to optimize your health. Some are seasonal. Others have recipes or are quick guides. Print and share. You can also leave a comment of other cheatsheets you’d like me to make! -Cate Stillman   Founder of Early Dinner Cheat Sheet Dinner needs to be easy to digest. Humans are primates, and don’t produce much bile at night to digest food. Create a simple and yummy meal. Print the cheat sheet...

In the very beginning of my yoga journey, I photocopied the poses from The Iyengar Way Then, I taped the images to my wall next to where I started my home practice Having the poses on the wall was a convincing reminder to get on the mat and do the practice I learned their sanskrit names and the alignment As my practice advanced, I’d replace the poses I knew with the ones I did not The Sun Salutation, or Surya Namaskar series was the first photocopy...

Ayurveda, and probably every kitchen wife in before the industrial revolution, knew the benefits of homemade ferments Because they were an essential tool to make food last The vaidyas of yore noticed that fermented foods enkindle agni – the power of digestion I remember reading Dr Robert Svoboda’s Aghora series a decade ago In it he tells a story of his guru, Tantric adept Aghori Vimalananda, teaching him about the 5 elements His guru tells him to worship the 5 elements… but if he has...

As yoga is going through a heyday and moms and school teachers usher forth the next wave of enlightenment in the household our resources are getting much better A posse of my yoga mom + yoga educator colleagues have rolled out some great books, videos, teaching tools and audios Check them out, and let them know I sent you Make sure to scroll down to the amazing teaching tools from Go Grounded Indy and her friends love the Whale Yoga...