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Cate Stillman

About Cate Stillman

Cate Stillman founded in 2001 to guide Yoga people into Ayurveda and Ayurveda people into yoga. Built on the value of both personal and planetary thrive and a deep connect to one’s ecosystem, community and body, Yogahealer grew into a team, 2 podcasts a week, regular blogging, an arsenal of courses to guide people into their potential, an a professional community + certification program Yoga Health Coaching. Cate wrote and self-published Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Ayurveda, which helps people who dig yoga take a giant leap forward in their wellness trajectory with Ayurveda.

For Monica Biasiolo Yoga Health Coaching changed everything. Suffering from a chronic illness, Monica refused to fall into victim mode and decided to invest in her health by joining the Yogahealer community. She experienced firsthand what changing your habits can do for your health, and...

Paige Bradley-Pecoul is in her second year of Yoga Health Coaching, and getting ready to enter her second year leading her own coaching program. After surveying her first year members, she got a couple of negative reviews and is struggling with them. In a conversation with...

Intermittent fasting is becoming increasingly popular, but for all the yogis and yoginis out there intermittent fasting is not a new trend. In Ayurveda, we call it space eating and it is one of the pillars for a healthy life. Recently science caught up with...

As the full-time director of an international development non-profit, Michelle Gross felt she couldn’t fit the Yoga Health Coaching program into her busy traveling schedule. But that all changed when she watched a Masterclass by Cate, and experienced the urgency of stepping into her zone...

As a clinical practitioner of Ayurveda, with a background in clinical nursing, Emily has dedicated her life to bringing together Eastern and Western medicine. To do so, she has split her time between her center in New Mexico and India. But that was before the...

Jenn is having trouble managing her Facebook group. As a seasoned YHC member, Jenn has been successfully running a high end coaching course, but not without its struggles. Lately, managing her Facebook group has become time consuming, with few leads transitioning into sales.But why are...