
Speak your truth and the Universe will respond. It started with an open conversation. It was November 6, 2014. My fiance and I (we got married a year later) were living with my mom and dad in a three bedroom house in rural Arizona. I had just signed up for Yoga Health Coaching...

I love connection. I love seeing connections, I love exploring connections and I love connecting with others. This is what makes my YHC journey tremendously special and inspiring. Teaching Yoga for close to 20 years has led me to explore different aspects of the art,...

After being on this yoga and health path for just over 13 years, I’m viewing my wisdom in this area to be that of a young teenager. As I enter these transformative adolescent years on the journey, I’m starting to see a shift in my...

I’ve been listening to the Yogahealer podcast for at least five years, and have been in the Yoga Health Coaching Community for almost three years. My personal growth and transformation have been very apparent, especially when stepping back and looking at a timeline of the...

Megan Kramer is this month’s YHC Coach of the Month! Listen to the YHC Podcast episode to learn more about how YHC has impacted her business and her life.   What you’ll get out of tuning in: How Yoga Health Coaching transformed Megan How to...