
I currently serve a group of white women in my year-long program, Being Extraordinary. We're an incredibly high-vibe group and we all care about what's going on in the world. Nevertheless, we're all at different points in our antiracism journey. I recently got to participate in a call-to-action training around anti-Blackness and racism. It was a 20-hour training run by a local Black-owned yoga studio and Yoga 4 a Good Hood, an organization that focuses on...

My Mother has often referred to me, throughout my life, as “Pollyanna” for being optimistic. If you are unfamiliar with the story of Pollyanna, she was a poor, orphaned girl that went to live with her wealthy Aunt. With her she brought “the glad game” that was taught to her by her father, in which the goal is to "find something about everything to be glad about," no matter the circumstances. I will credit my...

I haven't been inclined to tell any story for a long time. Too long ! Keep track of my tasks, journal my everyday activities, make video/ audio recordings of messages to get out to the public, events to be remembered. All this was above my willingness. I was wrong ! On the one hand I deprived myself of keeping track of the great and not so great things that happened in my life, on the other...

The importance of a good night’s rest cannot be understated, which is why sleep is my keystone habit. “Go to bed!” That’s my mom’s voice telling me to get to bed so I can get enough sleep for school the next day.  So what did I do? I stayed up late, of course, because that’s what teenagers do. We are defiant, hormonal little beings and the importance of sleep was something never considered. Fast forward...

I’ve been listening to the Yogahealer podcast for at least five years, and have been in the Yoga Health Coaching Community for almost three years. My personal growth and transformation have been very apparent, especially when stepping back and looking at a timeline of the “Huge Life Events” during these past five years. I can now say that I am practicing all 10 habits with some level of regularity. My faith has grown in what...

I've been a regular meditator for the past 7 years. I was first exposed to the idea of meditation in college, and I had tried to establish a practice multiple times, but had not made discernible progress in the 15 years since I realized it would be a good practice to start. I tried guided meditations and would fall asleep (I sometimes still do!). I did yoga occasionally, but had a hard time with slow...