Yoga Health Coaching


Cate talks to Yoga Health Coach Michelle Gross, who helps Gross find her zone of competence in the marketing arena and helps her “think big, learn fast and work smarter” by reaching her goal to enroll more people. Cate encourages Michelle to break things down (using kaizen) and take small steps. Cate encourages Michelle to tap into her network to take action and connect with people to give them the outcome they desire. Michelle procrastinates with...

Cate interviews Shea Lehnen, a Yoga Health Coach from Wyoming. Shea’s pilot grew quickly, with mostly people from her yoga community. With Cate’s help, Shea is looking to expand her program to target prospects outside of that niche community. To do this, Shea needs to use terminology that resonates with both yogic and non-yogic prospects. Cate takes Shea through a marketing funnel to help her get clear on how to give her people what they want...

Cate interviews Jules White, from down under, a former environmental consultant to help her find her edge to enroll more people into her group. Jules finds new focus and motivation to push through the uncomfortable feeling of sales and closing the deal. She embraces her new role to relax more, while also taking massive action to agitate her people into making the changes she knows they crave. Cate guides Jules get clear on the results her people...

Martha Kastler has been struggling to create bridges in her community. Looking to expand her wellness coaching to a more diverse audience, Martha connected with Cate to find efficient ways to do it, and strategies to overcome resistance. In this Yoga Health Coaching episode, you will learn about the benefits of measuring success both for yourself and your clients, how to organize your free talks to create new leads for your business, and how to introduce...

For Monica Biasiolo Yoga Health Coaching changed everything. Suffering from a chronic illness, Monica refused to fall into victim mode and decided to invest in her health by joining the Yogahealer community. She experienced firsthand what changing your habits can do for your health, and brilliantly transitioned from student to mentor, leading her own health coaching business. Monica believes difficult journeys can be done with ease and believes that anyone can start healing themselves and find...

Defining your ideal client can be a tricky business, and more often than not, we end up with an avatar that seems perfect on paper but does not convert into sales. This is exactly what Leah Petitti, a voice coach, is going through. She has defined not one, but three different avatars, but is still struggling to find good leads and make sales. In this conversation, Cate leads Leah through the retelling of her brand script,...