Yoga Health Coaching


Courtney LaCava just finished her first year of coaching her own program. She enrolled 18 people the past year and has experienced no issues attracting new leads. When it comes to conversion, however, she has been wondering how she could up her game. In an attempt to develop the right marketing and conversion systems, Courtney reached out to Cate. During the conversation, they covered the differences between excuses and objections, and how to anticipate both in...

Paige was set on joining Yoga Health Coaching, but when she thought about the investment, she felt anxious. Nonetheless, having set her mind, she took out a loan, borrowed some money, and went for it! Now, a year later, she could not be happier with her decision. She has successfully completed her pilot program and is looking forward to increasing her prices. Listen to learn more about transitioning from yoga teacher to coach, developing the skills you...

Paige Bradley-Pecoul is in her second year of Yoga Health Coaching, and getting ready to enter her second year leading her own coaching program. After surveying her first year members, she got a couple of negative reviews and is struggling with them. In a conversation with Cate, Paige opens up about how she feels about negative feedback and talks about how to integrate feedback into her program and develop a co-creating system. Listen to the episode to...

Intermittent fasting is becoming increasingly popular, but for all the yogis and yoginis out there intermittent fasting is not a new trend. In Ayurveda, we call it space eating and it is one of the pillars for a healthy life. Recently science caught up with the 4 millennia wisdom behind space-eating, and several studies have supported the health benefits of this practice. For the past month, Cate has been joined by several members on the Yogahealer...

Jules has been leading female-oriented workshops and retreats for years. But in January 2020, she decided she was ready to step it up and joined the YHC program. This was huge for Jules and her family. She knew she wanted to join YHC, but struggled with the idea of investing such an amount in herself. Now, as Jules enrolls members in her program pilot, she reflects on how she overcame her impostor syndrome and how she...

After a career in biology and public health, Lesley Pereira turned to wellness after battling anxiety and postpartum depression. An overachiever, Lesley felt she was living by someone else’s  rules and not being true to herself. She decided to join the Yoga Health Coaching program in order to help women who are having trouble managing their day to day anxiety, develop healthy habits. Lesley focuses her program on her members nervous system, and helping them achieve...