Since an early age I’ve been surrounded by adults who meditated every day, who made home cooked meals (3 times a day), and who didn’t watch TV. Ever. I would be lying if I said establishing habits and a Home Practice come easy to me. Just because I had good models doesn’t mean I’m a pro, but it comes more readily for me than most people in my circle of friends. I want to tell you...
The first time I consciously invested thousands of dollars in myself at one time, without having much to “show” for it, like a new mountain bike or a kitchen remodel was when I signed up for a year long meditation immersion. The second time was when I enrolled in the Yoga Health Coaching program...
Sometimes we are in tune with what we need, and sometimes we crave the opposite. Right? Like when we’d rather go work a dead-end job for someone else than pave our way for our dream business? I’ve done it a dozen times...
Ever feel kind of whacked-out in the fall? Spacy maybe? A little ungrounded? If so, you’re not alone...
I love Halloween. The chance to dress up, put up a mask and be something/someone other than who we are - or more importantly other than who we are “supposed” to be. Do you ever find yourself hiding behind a mask. As adults we are really good at putting on our public “face” and not allowing anyone to see what’s really going on inside. At times - these masks even come in handy. I put on my...