Yoga Health Coaching


In 2014, Jill decided she was done with her corporate job as a party planner, she wanted to be a full-time yoga teacher. The road to a successful and fulfilling career as a wellness professional was, however, harder than she anticipated.Feeling depleted, Jill decided to enter, once again, the corporate world. But it wasn’t long before she realized she couldn’t go on living a corporate life. That’s when she entered Yoga Health Coaching.Two years on,...

Alexandra Kreis is an extraordinary example of how much you can achieve if you are willing to really give it a go. Since beginning her journey with Yogahealer, five years ago, Alex has become a Yoga Health Coach with an impressive track record. Not only is she killing it in her business, but she has also become a thought leader in her European community.The secret to Alex’s success? Diving deeper into yourself and your body....

Jenn is having trouble managing her Facebook group. As a seasoned YHC member, Jenn has been successfully running a high end coaching course, but not without its struggles. Lately, managing her Facebook group has become time consuming, with few leads transitioning into sales.But why are people on Jenn’s Facebook group hesitating to start being coached by Jenn? And how can you effectively balance your marketing strategies and enrollment with your coaching?Listen to Jenn talk to...

Caroline’s family was struggling to save any money. She was a stay at home mom, committed to the education of her kids, and with little interest about her family’s finances. But one day, that changed. Caroline started to learn about her family’s finances and begin her journey to understand how she could help better manage their money. What you’ll get out of tuning in: How to start understanding your family’s financesHow to change your beliefs about moneyHow...

After flirting with Yogahealer for about six months, in May 2020, Shea Lehnen decided to go all-in and join Yoga Health Coaching.Now, only a few months after, she has enrolled 18 people into her Pilot Program. It just goes to show that investing in yourself does, truly, payoff! What you’ll get out of tuning in: How to enroll in a conservative communityHow to build your confidence with coachingHow to invest in yourself in order to grow Links Mentioned...

3 Top Yoga Health Coaches take you through their journeys. From taking the leap to breaking their income ceilings. What you’ll get out of tuning in: How YHC helps you get more freedomHow to invest in yourself with confidenceHow to keep increasing your income Links Mentioned in Episode: Find the Money CourseWatch the Masterclass Show Highlights: Yoga Health Coaches explain how they were feeling before YHCYoga Health Coaches share their personal wellness pathYoga Health Coaches on making more money and having...